The story of the town amateur who lost her standing...among other things.
AMAZING! TIMELY! THRILLING! (original print ad - all caps)
A TREMENDOUS EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE! (Print Ad- Jamestown Post-Journal, ((Jamestown NY)) 14 June 1955)
The west, the way it really was, before the myths were born.
...practitioner of gruesome satanic rites.
Pray He Kills You Before You Scream
Иногда спасение возможно лишь по ту сторону добра и зла
The Man...The Age...Both on Fire...Now on Film!
Hunger Has No Limit
Trained To Kill. Marked For Death.
Он пишет картины... кровью своих жертв
A Tale of a Heartless Policeman
A street kid. A soldier. A present that repeats the past.