Even GREATER than "Seventh Veil"
When I Wake You...You'll Be Dead
Dead Men Do Tell Tales.
В течение многих веков человек всматривался в небеса в поисках доказательств существования иной разумной жизни. Но что произойдет, если эти иные формы жизни уже находятся среди нас?
Are you afraid of the dark? You should be.
Когда бегство от прошлого превращается в борьбу за жизнь
Faster than a speeding ticket. More powerful than a SWAT team. And up, up and away the funniest super hero of them all!
The Finley "Murder" Tapes.
There will be time to wonder "do I dare"
Life has to die. Love does not.
Они не видели своего врага
THEY WERE ALL DRAWN TO THE KEEP. The soldiers who brought death. The father and daughter fighting for life. The people who have always feared it. And the one man who knows its secret... THE KEEP Tonight, they will all face the evil.
A drawing that became a dream. A dream that became reality.
Оружие против могущественного зла
No one leaves this party. Ever.
Вы уверены, что готовы к встрече с ними?
It lives. It crawls. And suddenly, it kills.
A tournament of legends.