Sock'er Mom
Мы разные, но мы обречены столкнуться...
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8 years ago, Alex's wife was MURDERED. Today... She e-mailed him.
Having a Wonderful Crime! Wish You Were Here!
She brought a small town to its feet and a huge corporation to its knees
Голос сердца сильнее разума
Они вернулись домой, чтобы похоронить мать... и её убийц
Никому ни слова, но они - абсолютно нормальные мужики!
The Clock Is Ticking...
For the most cautious man on Earth, life is about to get interesting
Безумец или пророк?
Give a father no options and you leave him no choice
Danger...Like Passion...Runs Deep
Ловушки расставлены
They were totally unqualified to try the case of a lifetime... but every underdog has his day
Его жизнь изменила историю, его мужество изменило жизни
Destroy or Die
IT'S LOVE AND MURDER AT FIRST SIGHT! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Lindsey Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - September 1, 1944 - all caps)