The biggest fight of all is with Himself
«No Good without Evil. No Love without Hate. No Innocence without Lust. I am Darkness.»
Shake, Courage...Shake.
From J.R.R. Tolkien's Magical The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
At last....the motion picture!
It's another time. It's another world. And another has been chosen
Ancient Japan, 1603. Without a map. Without a clue. Without a pizza
Безграничная сила. Благородное сердце. Легендарная судьба
The Dark Knight fights to save Gotham city from its deadliest enemy
Fencing is a science. Loving is a passion. Duelling is an obsession
You don't have to die to go to hell
Where Were You When Everything Changed?
A lethal kickboxer killed his brother. Now David Sloan must seek revenge the only way he knows how... in the ring