The funniest, fastest honeymoon ever screened!
Wooden stakes and silver bullets can't save you now ... You better pray Jack Cutter can.
It was an unusual investigation, undoubtedly they were - "unusual bodies"
Based On The Well-Known Batman Comic Magazine Feature appearing in "Detective Comics" and "Batman" Magazines
Rollicking Romantics!
Нет прощения преступлениям против человечества
THE RAW UNTAMED ADVENTUROUS WEST...LIVES AGAIN! (original print media ad - all caps)
Comedy so gay...drama so so will be the talk of OUR town! (print ad - Lubbock Avalanche Journal - Lindsey Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - October 4, 1942)
In Every Soul There is a Gypsy
He burned with ambition. He lived for passion.
Современный Рубин Гуд
Её имя станет легендой
His most powerful weapon is the truth
When all you can hear is your own silence
Women had their place. Hers was in the revolution.
Он вершит правосудие своим револьвером
It isn't always an invitation to a kiss.