His Sword Made Him a Hero... His Courage Made Him a Legend. This Summer, Justice is Blind.
The shadow of a remembered woman came between their lips... but these two had the courage to hope... and to live their love!
Есть границы, которые лучше не переходить
Бесстрашный. Неудержимый. Несравненный
The only way out is through.
Plunge into the heart of terror...
Уйти, чтобы вернуться
Some men are too noble to live among aristocracy
Can life really imitate art?
The knock at the door meant the birth of one man and the death of seven others!
A thousand year old secret leads to murder
He has a Ph.D. in horribleness!
The secret of life? The secret's in the sauce.
Только выпейте ведьминого зелья...
A man with a secret. A woman with a dream.
Jean-Luc Godard's Swinging Look at Youth and Love in Paris Today!
You've got to go through Hell before you get to Heaven
The Life of the Party... before she got a life.
Всепоглощающая страсть, несмотря ни на что...