They Take War To A New Dimension.
Fightin' . . Laughin' . . Lovin' !
Take matters into your own hands...
It puts you in the best of spirits!
You can cry «wolf» once too often!
Nobody leans on Sharky's Machine.
As soldiers they were taught to fight for honor. As men they were willing to die for it.
A brutal slaying. An elusive killer. The chase is on.
Be careful what you wish for... You just might get it!
Houston, we have a problem.
They want to learn about love the easy way!
When Huey re-enlists - there's laughs you can't resist!
They're still's been ages since breakfast!
Germany, 1944, Christmas Eve. Sometimes The Darkest Moments Giver Birth To The Brightest Miracles.
Sheds just enough light for MURDER
The Cold War just got hot. Time to Rock «N» Roll"
It speaks to you in the language of love, laughter and tears !...