IT'S UNIQUE...suspense...mystery...drama!
He's one man racing against time to stop the most explosive conspiracy in history.
Una vita pubblica, un segreto privato, un debito da pagare (A public life, a private secret, a debt to pay) (Italian DVD)
Vengeance belongs to one man.
The spark that ignites us, unites us.
Silent, unseen, the creatures live among us... and hunt.
Москва. Будущее. Выжить невозможно
Revenge just rode into town.
From Robert Ludlum's Best Selling Novel
Money built walls around the truth. One man knocked them down
L'affaire Al Capone
The evolution of evil
Check your reservations at the door.
He hears the silence. He sees the darkness. He's the only one who can stop the killing.