Her last request was his first mistake.
Москва. Будущее. Выжить невозможно
"THREE LOVES HAVE I...THE FOOLS!" (Print ad- Pittsburgh Press, ((Pittsburg, Penna.)) 14 June 1935)
Искушения продолжаются...
Humanity's greatest hope... Faces his greatest battle.
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be offended
Small town girl. Wife and mother. Starlet. Love goddess. Sex symbol. No one's dream blazed so hot and burnt out so fast!
Meet the NEW Dick Powell!
Foxy is in town, so gather round and watch a real shake down. Cause she's got drive and that ain't jive. She don't bother to bring 'em back alive.
Not Based on a True Story.
DIFFERENT...DRAMATIC...DARING! (original print media ad - all caps)
LADD'S HOT TEMPTED BY TWO WOMEN...TO KISS ONE!... AND KILL THE OTHER ONE!! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Tower Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - August 31, 1946 - all caps)
An extraordinary picture of man's fate and man's hope...
Can You Take It? More Startling . . . More Blood-Curdling Than Anything You've Ever Seen! (print ad - Lubbock Avalanche Journal - Palace Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - March 26, 1945)
No one's ever been so good at being so bad
The men she loved she destroyed!
Entertainment that all but explodes with dramatic tension!
She had «IT» and made «IT» pay!
The Flaming Events And Deathless Love That Made History! (Print Ad-Deseret News, ((Salt Lake City, Utah)) 18 September 1934)