A secret life. A deadly passion. What you don't know can kill you
The Last Call You'll Ever Get ...
The nightmare is about to begin... again!
You don't win Silver; You lose Gold.
They Came To Earth To Feed On Human Flesh!
Every fairy tale needs its hero.
A riotous new twist in the art of gentle persuasion!
He hasn't spoken a word in two years. No one knows his identity. Officially he doesn't exist... But 24 corpses do.
The most terrifying nightmare of childhood is about to return!
Algunas veces hay que perder la razón para encontrar la libertad. (Mexico)
In all your life you've seen no portrayals to match the thrill of the unquenchable love of Joan Crawford for Van Heflin in "Possessed".
Here is greatness . . . wonder . . . and majesty . . . no human words can describe!
Dr. Mabuse is on the loose !
Munnabhai meets Mahatma Gandhi
Look into my eyes.