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...thank God they're somebody else's!
Who is Thomas Capper?
Gun Against Gun For The Rule Of The Town!
У каждой розы есть шипы
When a young man can't ride or shoot he needs help real bad. And here's help that's real bad.
He cuts to the chase
Their guns blaze a name for themselves in untamed New Mexico territory.
Trapped. Hunted. Innocent.
Distinctly chilling. So real that it is nearly incredible. (1993 MGM/UA VHS tape cover).
He held the town at bay ... to save it !
Big Bad Bart Is Open For Business ...COP KILLING
Инопланетяне подкрались незаметно!
A Marshal whose hide no bullet could touch...and the girl who got under his skin!
The story of a man apart... who brought faith to a youth, love to a woman, justice to a land!
A movie about how the Wild West was really won !