The Bottled fools
When These Two Men Ride - The Legend of the West Was Born!
...SHE'LL LIE...KILL OR KISS HER WAY OUT OF ANYTHING! (original print ad - all caps)
The worst foe lies within the self...
Они хотят человеческой крови... и друг друга
The second cut is the deepest
Seven bullets from here his woman would be waiting -- Seven men from now -- her shame would be wiped out!
У Земли появился новый враг
Bad men... Bad ladies... Bad horses...
Хранит тайну, которую нельзя доверить никому
From the four winds they came, the four brothers, their eyes smoking and their fingers itching...
There has never been a Western like «Doc»
Bullet for Bullet...Life for Life! (original six-sheet poster)
On his neck he wore the brand of a killer. On his hip he wore vengeance.
Where Laughter Reigns and Joy Pours!
THE LEGEND - John Wayne is «Chisum»
These Aren't Children...They Are Demons!