The Fanatic. The Follower. The Fugitive. The Tracker.
Drama...Comedy...Power...Wit...Impact...A Remarkable Film!
He's not the first actor to impersonate a president . . . but he may be the last.
Behind the secrets... Beyond your imagination... An unforgettable epic of courage and compassion.
"Why do we listen to them? Why do we fight their wars for them?"
Летая в облаках, помни о грешной земле
This Fall a woman will be President.
100 Comedians. One Very Dirty Joke
First APPROVED Then CONDEMNED by the Legion of Decency
The Sci-Fi Thriller Made in Baltimore!
HE kissed her in VIENNA...SHE kissed him in WARSAW...THEY kissed each other in PRAGUE...Now what do you suppose happened in PARIS??(original poster)
A night they barely remember becomes a day they'll never forget.