BUSTER KEATON WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH 'TILL YOU CRY in THE CAMERAMAN with Marceline Day. (Print Ad- Oxnard Daily Courier,((Oxnard, Calif.)) 5 November 1928)
The city is being torn apart and only two cops can stop the frenzy
Hope lives...because the evidence never dies
30° below zero, five hours of daylight, what else can you do but get wrecked
Она осмелилась бросить вызов мафии. Вызов был принят
Who's next?
Stand By Your Dream
There is no honour among thieves.
Hideous... hungry... and loose!
Dos estafadores, una mujer... Y mucho dinero.
Five saints, two boys and millions of pounds! The countdown is on
It was the look in her eyes that did it! How could he resist? How could he know it meant MURDER?
Quick thinking landed him a million bucks... now everybody's after it!
Чужое добро не впрок
A Happy-Go Lucky Hitch-Hiker on the Highway to happiness! He wanted to see the world . . . but wound up in Lover's Lane!