What do you see when you look at me?
Наркотики... Проституция... Смерть?
Никто не отмоется
Иногда в городе надо прибраться
You never know who's going to be your wake-up call
In Russia, Every Orphan Longs for Adoption. Vanya Has Other Plans...To Find His Mother At All Costs
Семь раз отмерь, один... пристрели
Для любви и ненависти слова не нужны
Нет ничего опасней правды
No one can escape the sins of the past
How fast is 1 second?
What could possibly come between a match made in heaven? The parents. Dinner. And a nightclub called... (The Birdcage)
The Ultimate Sin!
Youth is seductive. Power is corrupt.
Отнимая жизнь, отнимаешь надежду
Seu namorado quer ver? Então mostre pra ele. (Your boyfriend wants to see it? Then show it to him).