Flashing swords and raging seas launch a journey to the far corners of adventure!
Pippi, Tommy och Annika på jakt efter bortrövade pappa i ett härligt, spännande piratäventyr i Söderhavet. (Pippi, Tommy and Annika are on the hunt for their kidnapped father in a wonderful, exciting pirate adventure in the South Pacific.)
The Boldest Swashbuckler of Them All!
A Great and Spectacular Drama!
Sabatini's famous buccaneer in swashbuckling adventure...exotic romance!
Adventure on the high seas!
Секрет пиратских сокровищ
Таинственный остров несметных сокровищ и призрачного счастья
Victor Herbert's Greatest Stage Success... Now The Big Screen Musical Of All Time!
Restored to former glory, a nostalgic cruise ship repeats a tragic past...
Ghost-to-Ghost Laughs!
Terror Runs Deep...
Хранители бескрайнего неба