Uh-Oh, The Critics Love It!
Suspicion breeds confidence
The single most important filmmaking event since Naked Gun 2 1/2!
Love is the only inspiration
Береги свои орешки!
У него очень большой... потенциал. Мы измеряли!
Красная шапка, Дровосек, Бабуля, Волк. Необычное преступление. Необычные подозреваемые
Он недавно спустился с дерева... на улицы Сан-Франциско
Grab your guns! It's Hot Shots Part Deux!
And now! At Last! Another film completely different from some of the other films which aren't quite the same as this one is
A New Breed of Evil
Here comes Elvira... There goes the neighbourhood!
New Continent. New Adventure. Still No Clue.
If You Liked Scary Movie, who gives a shit
Этот фильм сожжёт ваши калории дотла
First, he fought for the Crown. Now he's fighting for the Family Jewels.
The rot has set in....
A HOLLYWOOD STORY: Sensational...Daring...Unforgettable...Sunset Blvd