Robert Englund... was 'Freddy' now he's the Phantom of the Opera! An all new nightmare!
Безымянные герои великой войны
Even if you didn't love her last movie, that's no reason to try and kill her... But somebody sure is!
The hunt is on for the world's most infamous diabolical murderer.
Её лишили титулов, достоинства, богатства. Обман - её единственное средство
Контролируй свои инстинкты
If you scream and no one hears you, she's there for you.
Make Believe. Not War.
Guaranteed! The 8 greatest shocks ever filmed!
The nation's most startling and hotly discussed best-seller now on the screen with every shock and sensation intact
От судьбы не убежишь
Never have so few taken so much from so many.
Putting Realness Back Into Reality
Большие надежды. Большие каблуки. Большие неприятности
The living dead are here, and they're lusting for blood - yours!
Based on a true story