A gruesome marvel! From giant egg to giant moth, attacking the whole world with fury! (Original Japanese tagline)
A Midsummer Night's Comedy.
The Most Famous Reindeer of All Time!
In 1930's Shanghai violence was not the problem. It was the solution.
First loves last. Forever.
In 1963 they were drawn to THE LIGHT
Ride across the sea inside the GIANT PINK SEA SNAIL!
It's a grand new Idea for FUN !
Something is after Jessica. Something very cold, very wet... and very dead...
War is a Bitch
They said it was safe to go back in the water. They were wrong.
A mythical beast. A legendary warrior. A titanic battle
Prepare to be consumed.
Она не такая, как все остальные
All of life is salt water ... tears, sweat and the sea