There's nothing like a woman to come between men !
Welles and Del Rio together! as Terror Man vs. Leopard Woman--for possession of a mysterious stranger in the powder-keg Middle East...a man with a military secret worth more than his love and his life!...It's menace melodrama thrilled with mighty mystery and suspense...SEE IT!
Horror Man Traps Super-Sleuth !
She wasn't a divorcee but she believed that strangers could kiss!
It's a blessed event
«Into the valley of death rode the six hundred.»
It puts you in the best of spirits!
Revenge Is A Force Of Nature!
SHE WANTED HIS LIPS-AND NEARLY TOOK HIS LIFE (Print Ad- Silver Creek News, ((Silver Creek, NY)) 11 April 1935)
The Fabulous Tale OF A MAN OF MYSTERY!
A Reign Of HORROR... a man-made monster on the loose!
Flaming Love Story of an American
Hey everybody, my folks are back on the trail of the dog-gondest mystery you ever saw! They're Wackier Than Ever!
Drop in tonite and see the greatest soldier comedy ever filmed- Much better than Rookies. (Print Ad- The Leader- Courier, ((Elk Point, SD)) 1 March 1928)
The greatest showmanship in a decade... backed by a sensational ticket-selling campaign... from ALLIED ARTISTS
A 20th Century-Fox Encore Hit !