Same planet...different flippin' world
Наша сила в наших ядрах
Hit hard
Love. Commitment. Responsibility. There's nothing he can't run away from.
Никто не может быть выше закона
A comedy triumph !
Кто сказал, что место женщины на кухне?
Напряжение высокого полёта, пристегнитесь
Never was a Hero needed more...
Something happens when she hears the's her freedom. It's her fire. It's her life
You can't out-run yourself.
В игре, где все ставки проигрышные, ему нечего терять...
Prepare to visit a town you'd never want to call home.
Everything you say can and will be used against you
Do you believe in miracles?
Beyond good. Beyond evil. Beyond your wildest imagination
He's never coached. They've never won. Together they'll learn everything about winning!
Based on a true story.
Эти «индейцы» уже вышли на тропу войны
Переболей, любовь пройдет как насморк...