Vice. And versa.
The Dogs of War. The Best Damn Mercenaries in the Business!
She confused him for a therapist and told him her deepest secrets. Now, two people who never should have met are discovering there's nothing more seductive than the truth
If you're not in on the plan, you're out.
At a tough school, someone had to take a stand...and someone did. Together, one teacher and one class proved to America they could...Stand and Deliver.
Pudovokin's Remarkable Film Of The East In Revolt
There is no such thing as a no fault death.
Thanks to his two girlfriends Blake is about to learn a new sexual position. Honesty.
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Only art can turn something painful into something beautiful
They held back the Russian Juggernaut in a frozen Hell!
Nothing is as it seems.
A man never forgets. A man pays his debts.
Новая гримаса смерти
You're only young once, but you remember forever
Range War! A lawless time when no man dares turn his back... even to a friend!