For three hundred years, a terrifying secret has been kept from the outside world.
LADD'S HOT TEMPTED BY TWO WOMEN...TO KISS ONE!... AND KILL THE OTHER ONE!! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Tower Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - August 31, 1946 - all caps)
One Day She Met a Man Who Loved Beautiful Women...But Not All in One Piece
The one story you won't be seeing on the 6 o'clock news!
Two Ex-Lovers. One Open Road
He can't be kept a secret any longer...
She had no one to play with for thirty years...
The most terrifying nightmare of childhood is about to return!
Remember, Jason and Freddy were kids once, too.
The first phase is hallucinogenic... the second phase is glandular... and the third phase is... BODY MELT
Terror by good intentions.