Don't Panic... It only happens once in a... Bloody Moon
If you do...then don't say we didn't warn you.
'It's a completely cool, multi-purpose movie.'
A very penetrating story!
9 nurses, 1 survivor
Close your eyes. Count to 10. And run for your life.
'Til Death Do Us Part
Where you love. Where you betray.
WE'VE GOT A BOMB ON OUR HANDS ( *BOMB - a motion picture so brilliantly funny it goes over most people's heads.)
A Tale of Love.
The screen event of the season. the long awaited picturisation of Sir J.M. Barrie's classic with Barrie's own choice of "Peter." (Print Ad-Queanbeyan Age, ((Queanbeyan NSW)) 31 December 1926)
An adventure for the boy in all of us.
It speaks for itself.
Anything goes in Amsterdam.