This key will answer your questions to these screaming mysteries...(next to a skeleton hand holding a key)
A journey to paradise.
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Innocent Beauty - this was her wedding eve. On the wall a shadow . . the beast was at large grinning horribly-cruelly. What was Her Fate ?
He Turned Innocent Beauty Into Unspeakable Horror.
Hollywood in the Golden Age
A remarkable vision. A dream of a better life. A romance that would change their lives forever.
How do you know you're... God? Simple when I pray to Him I find I'm talking to myself.
VOLCANIC! Now the Screen is Swept by Scenes That Stagger the Imagination!
Can You Take It? More Startling . . . More Blood-Curdling Than Anything You've Ever Seen! (print ad - Lubbock Avalanche Journal - Palace Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - March 26, 1945)
No one can save them.
Five sisters embrace the spirit of a people.
A trail to the light!
The Most Horrific Dracula Film Ever Made - and HAMMER say so!
Who are these unholy savages who hunt out their victims by sound alone?
An Elegant Seduction. An Erotic Deception. A Stunning Revelation.
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