the most outrageous slice of pie!
Эл Гор был прав - потеплело глобально
Cute as puppy and horribly wrong.
The only way to become one of the boys again... is to become one of the girls
Теперь они бегут из тюрьмы
О любви, о романтике... и еще немного бреда об этом
Самые стрёмные монстры собрались потусить!
It took God six days to create the earth, and Monty Python just 90 minutes to screw it up
Live, from New-York it's Saturday night!!!
Spend Father's Day with who really raised you... Star Wars.
Big Brother's Twisted Sister
An exercise in poor taste.
Putting The "F" Back In Freedom.
Is a black shake a mistake?
Humans... the other white meat... Unless you're black, then it's dark meat... Or if you are Asian, then it's yellow meat... Or if you are Native American, it's red meat...
He's going to take you back to the past.
Get Off His Land!
got dumped?
Human meat for intergalactic hamburgers