Если твой папа - дьявол, а мама - ангел, то ты, кажется, попал...
Ему нужно успеть сегодня сделать всего три вещи: выпить кофе, принять аспирин и сотворить чудо
Gangster. Media darling. Model citizen.
It's a crime what Jimmy Alto will do to get a break.
Every day you can change another persons life without ever knowing it.
Libby Tucker hitchhiked from Brooklyn to take Hollywood by storm. And her father by surprise.
A romance of the Roaring River of Life called Broadway. (Print Ad- The Daily Star, ((Queens, NY)) 31 March 1927)
The Only Horror in this Film are the Cast & Crew
Are you ready?
Life is full of detours.