...a motion picture for all times!
Now, he had only one weapon left - Murder!...To prevent an even more shocking crime!
Corporations have time, money, and power on their side. All Bob Kearns had was the truth.
At what point does a father truly become a father?
If He'd meant the commandments literally, He'd have written them in stone.
He chopped down the family tree...
The Romance Of Passion And Power
Убийство, не раскрытое за 100 лет. Одержимость, которой не страшна смерть
The story of the greatest evil ever known to man... His ex-wife.
В жизни и в любви жди неожиданностей
A Happy-Go Lucky Hitch-Hiker on the Highway to happiness! He wanted to see the world . . . but wound up in Lover's Lane!
10 баллов по шкале страсти!
Excitement...Danger...Suspense...as this classic adventure story sweeps across the screen!
Загляни в глаза зверя...
Clouzot Directs Bardot!
Исповедь прирождённого убийцы