She can do anything
Даст отпор!
When a deadly conspiracy became a shameful cover-up, one witness refused to be silent.
Born November 2nd 1984...Dies September 1991
Hip Hip Poohray!
He's armed... He's adorable... And he's out of school for the entire summer.
There is man and beast at nature's mercy. There is awe and love and reverence. And there is the man called...
How far would you go to get what you feel is right?
He's a force of nature.
How far would you go for a friend?
История о молодом человеке,убеждёном,что он - величайший любовник на земле...и о людях,пытающихся излечить его от этого
Whatever You Do, Don't Answer The Phone
Этому нельзя научиться... Это должно быть в тебе...
When Charlie Bartlett listens everyone talks.
Ugly is the new beautiful.
Leisure Rules
Some men are too noble to live among aristocracy