Она думает, что знает о любви всё
Let Them Eat Cake
One, two, Freddy's coming for you... three, four, Jason's at your door...
Beautiful, mysterious, haunting, invariably fatal. Just like life
It's just a bunch of Hocus Pocus!
Attraction. Infatuation. Desire. Love. FEAR
Человек - это звучит гордо!
The most beautiful place to be is in love
Men Make History. We Make The Men
Убийство ещё не было таким приятным на вкус
Sex. Clothes. Popularity. Whatever
This is Benjamin. He's a little worried about his future
It was the worst job they ever imagined... and the best time of their lives.
На что он готов, чтобы пройти этот путь до конца?
DON'T Misbehave
Experience it. Enjoy it. Just don't fall for it
The most controversial film of the twentieth century has just become the most controversial film of the twenty first century
A life without compromise
The most powerful legend of all is back in a new adventure