Some Guys Don't Know Their Destiny Till It Hits Them In The Face.
the tempting new comedy from the producers of «Latter Days»
Чудаки тоже находят друг друга
En film der begynder som en hemmelig hvisken, og ender i et skrig (A film that begins as a secret whisper, and ends in a scream)
Together again in M-G-M's riotous comedy. (Title lobby card).
The Other American Heroes.
Sex with your best friend has never been this reproductive.
Rubbish! Punk music is complete rubbish!
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Great Production
They ran away from everything but each other.
He was Hollywood's greatest screenwriter. His words still resonate today. He defied a committee, he defied the system. They took his honor. They took his freedom. So Dalton Trumbo went to war. But the ending could only be written by him.
Are YOUR parents a burden?
The key to the future lies in unlocking the past.