
Полный список кино, фильмов и сериалов, которые были найдены по запросу «цинизм»
День психа

To be, kurwa, or not to be ("To be, for fuck sake, or not to be")


"I didn't think I'd be true to a man again as long as I lived..."

Ромео истекает кровью

The story of a cop who wanted it bad and got it worse

Правила игры

One of the two or three greatest films ever made in France.

Место под солнцем

Love that paid the severest of all penalties!

Козерог один

The most important event in our nation's history...what if it never really happened?

Пип шоу

Welcome to the private world of Jeremy and Mark - two very ordinary weirdos.

Железный крест

Men on the front lines of Hell

Честь семьи Прицци

Hired killers by day. Devoted lovers by night. Until they found their next assignment was each other


Фотографии не лгут

В укромном месте


Американское великолепие

Простая повседневная жизнь - порой сложная штука... Комиксы - лучшее спасение от дерьмовой работы и мерзких соседей!

Голубой ангел

Täglich nur noch bis Donnerstag auf tausendfachen Wunsch! Zum letzten Male! (Feiburger Zeitung, ((Freiburg, Baden-Wûrttemburg)) 11 Februar 1931)


Marlon Brando! Driven Too Far By His Own Hot Blood!

Они продают даже дождь

Spain Conquered the New World for Gold 500 Years Later, Water is Gold Not Much Else has Changed...

Среди акул

Life is not a movie

Портрет Дориана Грея

His life was a muddy morass into which he dragged all who knew him! Such was Dorian Gray, the man who wanted eternal youth, and bartered his soul to get it!

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