Their FIRST TIME together...proves the LAST WORD in ROMANCE!
In The Year 2019, The Future Depends on One Man.
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A MUSICAL FANTASY(print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche -Lindsey Theatre - Lubbock, Texas- September 26, 1946 - all caps)
Her name is Natty Gann. Two thousand miles of danger separate her from her father. Only love, hope and courage can help her find him.
Only one man can be ... "Emperor of the North Pole"
Impact ! Power ! Pathos ! Drama !
Call it Strange! Call it Shocking!...Call it One of the Most Electrifying Love Stories of Our Day!
Electrically attracted to each other...Overwhelmingly engulfed by it...Guiltily in love!
Starving for love
The YEAR'S FUNNIEST FUN! (original print ad - mostly caps)
ON THE SCREEN...America's Favorite Hero!
Life can never cage a man like this!
From the author of "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold"