McQueen, together with this "Bonnie and Clyde" Gal...and the slickest gang that ever robbed a bank!
They couldn't like each other less or need each other more
It was only one mistake, but it was a big one
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Filled with all the love and warmth and joy. . .the human heart can hold!
Get Ready for the Return of the King
The World's Toughest City Needs More Than An Army To Stop The Mob . . . They Need One Man!
What a difference a day makes ...
Superman vs. the king of computerized crime!
Money isn't for greedy people
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A man called jack has got her Jumpin' and the world may never be the same!
They're Hot - McQueen/MacGraw
Shep Ramsey was ordered to take a vacation on Earth. But was unprepared for suburban life on the planet Earth!