Призывая палача. Будь готов дорого оплатить его услуги
The spark that ignites us, unites us.
It will scare you... to pieces.
Страсть. Скорость. Дружба. Драйв!
Что ты будешь делать, если сможешь остановить время?
Do You Take the Money...And RUN...?
An army of forgotten heroes, all officially dead. They live for combat. Now they've met the wrong man.
It's All That only juicier.
A dreamer who couldn't sleep. An author who couldn't write. A friend who couldn't help but help.
Small town girl. Wife and mother. Starlet. Love goddess. Sex symbol. No one's dream blazed so hot and burnt out so fast!
...Trained To Kill
DIFFERENT...DRAMATIC...DARING! (original print media ad - all caps)