On October 27, 1962, a plane crashed in Bascape, Italy, sparking an international intrigue...sabotage...disappearances and murders! These events are all the more bizarre because they are TRUE. The central figure was Enrico Mattei
At 39,000 feet, you're on your own.
They found the missing link..... and it's not friendly.
HERE'S HYSTERICAL HISTORY! (original print ad - all caps)
Not to be Confused with the Original "Flash Gordon"
From the depths of the earth. To the edge of existence... The hunt is on!
Together they're dynamite! Apart they're deadly...
The young rebel who didn't fit and didn't try...a kid who couldn't wait for his war!
Dead And Buried
No one gets out alive!
The ultimate Gore-Film
Super Story of a Super Man ! The Titan of all Tarzans . . . Giant of all jungle thrills . . . worth the years it took to make !
EXCITEMENT and SUSPENSE 18,000 Feet Over the Atlantic!
Take matters into your own hands...
Flaming Love Story of an American
He is a veteran pilot, a man who has seen and done it all... But now, for the first time, he has a passenger. And his greatest adventure is about to begin...