What Demonic Force Lurks Behind Those Eyes?
A whole new motion picture experience is on the horizon.
MYSTERY IN WHISPERS that cracks like THUNDER! (original print ad - many caps)
I took you out of the gutter . . . I can fling you back!
Still! The Greatest High Adventure Ever Filmed!
He survived the deadliest day on Earth! To enjoy the sexiest night in outer space!
They were three small time girls, with big time dreams. Now, fate is giving the Pussycats, the chance of a lifetime
For the first time in their lives, they're trying to get grounded.
It's coming from another world... TO STAY!
Neither Heaven nor Earth could keep them apart!
В течение многих веков человек всматривался в небеса в поисках доказательств существования иной разумной жизни. Но что произойдет, если эти иные формы жизни уже находятся среди нас?
Evil waits again on the side of the road.
Incredible true-life drama of Juliane Koepcke... the story of a 17-year-old schoolgirl who survived a 10,000 foot plunge from an exploding jetplane and an 11 day terrifying ordeal in the Peruvian jungle!
Life made her an outcast. Love made her an outlaw.
An Epic of the Air
For an ex-cop obsessed with an unsolved murder, trusting the wrong woman could be a deadly choice.