The music lover. He had a love of life. But was torn by it. He reached out for the sensual. And was burned by it. His genius demanded a price. And he paid it.
Vive La Fun!... Vive La Joy!... Vive La Judy!...
He is the master. He's called a husband. She is the plaything. She's called a wife.
Love in a city where class governs all
They say the Nile still runs red from the Battle of Khartoum!
EVEN THOSE WHO LOVED HIM WERE NOT SAFE! (original print ad - all caps)
Где золото под ногами
These were the adventures . . . fighting, laughing and brawling their way from Seattle to Nome!
One Uses Her Beauty For Love! One Uses Her Lure For Blood!
The Great Family Musical!
Shirley's A Little Swiss Miss In The Loveliest Story of Her Career !
Sometimes it is the things that bind us, that truly set us free.
Real Adventure! Real Life in the Raw! (from re-release print ad)