100% Over-The-Top Action!
England expected an affaire. Caroline gave them history.
Innocent Beauty - this was her wedding eve. On the wall a shadow . . the beast was at large grinning horribly-cruelly. What was Her Fate ?
He Turned Innocent Beauty Into Unspeakable Horror.
The Greatest All New Fright Show In Town!
World's Mightiest Show!
A remarkable vision. A dream of a better life. A romance that would change their lives forever.
THRILLS OF YOUNG LOVE! (original print ad - all caps)
A motion picture to remember with glowing pleasure!
In a No-man's land between North and South, you didn't fight for the Blue or the Gray... You fought for your friends and your family
A gen-u-ine movie first! A way-out whopper! A funny movie? YOU BET IT IS...!
Сказание о Великой Американской мечте
A Brand New Seven -- Doing Their Number! They put their lives on the line and let it ride!
Rediscover the Joy of Christmas Spirit!
Based on Jules Verne's fantastic stories of strange adventure...
A trail to the light!