Будет страшно смешно
Only the most incredible parts are true
A man with a secret. A woman with a dream.
Once in a generation, a work of art appears as if by magic, to move and inspire its audience. A work that returns to a exhausted humanity the possibility of simple grandeur. We invite you to visit a time and place when life was still a sacred matter. When the family of man was still - a family.
From the four winds they came, the four brothers, their eyes smoking and their fingers itching...
UNITED IN DANGER...LAUGHTER...AND LOVE! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Palace Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - April 10, 1937 - all caps)
See the blowing up of the battleship Maine. The charge up San Juan Hill. The stirring, thrilling days of 1898. The gathering of the famous regiment at San Antonio. (Print Ad- Daily Times, ((Longmont, Colo.)) 9 September 1927)
Love Is Worth Fighting For