If it were a game, would you play it? If it were a drug, would you be addicted? If it were a weapon, would you pull the trigger?
10 years ago, a mermaid dreamed of life on the land. Now her daughter dreams of the sea.
Life's short. Talk Fast
Undependable. Unpredictable. Unforgettable
There are no bad words... only bad deeds.
He met the girl of his dreams. If only he can meet her again
Как следует подготовься к сезону убийств
...трагедии и утраты, увядающая красота и быстротечная любовь...
Nobody ever grows up quite like they imagined
А ты японец?
Cute as puppy and horribly wrong.
Случайное знакомство с «лучшим другом»
It's here. It's queer. Coming out December 2000.
This October, fall in love with fate.
Ловушки расставлены
Detective Jerry Black has made a promise he can't break, to catch a killer he can't find
Трудно выйти из «профсоюза киллеров»
Hit hard
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