The most terrifying nightmare of childhood is about to return!
If you go down to the woods today.
Her thirst for revenge made his guns shoot to kill
It will mark you for life as it marked him for... Betrayal
QUILLER...he's not just another spy - If he shatters your nerves, remember- he's living on his!
Undead...yet living on the Kisses of Youth!
Dr. Mabuse is on the loose !
Just a man and his will to survive ...
Roaring Down the World's Deadliest Roads!
Barbaric Splendor - Gasping Magnitude - Adventure !
How much will a mother sacrifice for the love of her son...
The Most Startling Story The Screen Has Ever Dared Reveal!
Jonah See, Jonah Do
A Richly Rewarding Entertainment Experience for the Entire Family