I can see a person's inner personality.
Survival isn't just for the living
Ничего личного - просто война
In outer space they unleashed a force more evil than the world had ever imagined!..
They're the Best Man for the job.
Чтобы они жили, мы должны умереть
Who lit the fuse that tore Harold's world apart?
T-E-R-R-O-R beyond the power of priest or science to exorcise!
Открой коробку. Брось жребий. Пусть решает судьба
Un-Dead at 30,000 Feet
What you see does not exist. What you cannot see is truth.
Good Time ... Bad Time ... Ragtime
Кто остановит смертоносный экспресс?
Banned for over 50 years
Money. Sex. Murder. Greed. Corruption.
They made it personal... He'll make them pay.