The creator of the first returns to bring you the last
Что мешает истинным желаниям сердца?
In every love story, there's only room for one leading man.
Она гонится за мечтой… они гонятся за ней
На изломе судьбы
They're going to pin something on that smart cop from Philidelphia . . . maybe a medal . . . maybe a murder!
How Far Will A Father Go To Protect The Ones He Loves?
Космическая одиссея на самой жесткой из планет
Почувствуйте запах ужаса!
The type of man she hated . . . was the type she wanted !
Isn't it time everyone hears your secrets?
Change your game. Change your life.
They can die quickly. They can die slowly. But they must die!
Home is where you least expect to find it.
Его прошлое настигает его
Flesh Ripped clean to the Bone... And the Blood runs Red...
Насколько добрым он может быть?