The Biggest Show On Earth!
Three of the most exciting people you ever had in a picture!
One American's Journey into the Truth
See it and Hear it as Never Before
Trailing a «tiptoe» killer!
Everyone has their demons
...don't expect to like 'em.
There is only one Inspector Clouseau. His adventure continues...
Now all of it is on the screen!
Comedy so gay...drama so so will be the talk of OUR town! (print ad - Lubbock Avalanche Journal - Lindsey Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - October 4, 1942)
NEVER WAS A BABY-SITTER LIKE THIS! (original print media ad - all caps)
There was nothing lily-white about her !
Hollywood's Most Famous Bad Man Joins the 'G-MEN' and Halts the March of Crime!
It will shock you but it will hold you spellbound to the end !
A Star Teaming You'll Never Forget!