Beyond Imagining...
The final chapter in the incredible Apes saga. The most suspenseful showdown ever filmed as two civilizations battle for the right to inherit what's left of the earth!
It was an event that shocked the world. This is the story you haven't heard.
Amazing! terrifying! The most savage spectacle of all time!
Nuclear Power. In the best hands, it is dangerous. In the hands of Lex Luthor, it is pure evil. This is Superman's greatest battle. And it is for all of us
Mass destruction just met its match
With spies like these who needs enemies?
It's all part of the American dream
It's not another day at the beach.
The day the last flower died on earth this incredible mission began
Стоунтерапия - массаж горячими камнями
The screen zeros in on the most suspenseful adventure drama of our age!
A Spy Story . . . A Love Story . . . A Story to Cross all Boundaries.
Tears. Laughter. Innocence. It was a summer of remembering
As Originally Conceived and Intended
In a world of secrets, love is the most powerful weapon.
Four People. Three Minutes. Two Choices. One Chance For Survival.
BBC TV's film about a nuclear attack on Britain directed by Peter Watkins