"I want my lover killed..." She will corrupt a whole town to buy the death of the man who betrayed her!
LADD'S HOT TEMPTED BY TWO WOMEN...TO KISS ONE!... AND KILL THE OTHER ONE!! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Tower Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - August 31, 1946 - all caps)
"We're in a Jam!"
THE TRAP...is a woman whose name is EVE
Подлинная история ужасного путешествия в неизвестное
The Original Bad Boys.
They're packed and ready for the greatest adventure of their lives. All they have to do is get out of the house
Don't let the title fool you.
В любви, как на войне, все средства хороши!
A riotous new twist in the art of gentle persuasion!
History has a violent way of repeating itself.
It is Home Alone, but in the woods
Benji's Back! In the most exciting adventure of his life!
The funniest, fastest honeymoon ever screened!
Fear Reality
They don't know where they're going... but they're on their way