Like father, like son...
It's time to fight again
His gun was a one-way ticket thru the doorway to hell! (Print Ad- The Standard-Union,((Brooklyn, NY)) 24 January 1931)
It Captures The Flavor Of A Brawling Lusty Mexico!
We live at the abyss.
In 1943 sixteen German paratroopers landed in England. In three days they nearly won the War.
They were led by a man...A man called SATAN who needed blood to ride!
Where an ounce of blood is worth more than a pound of friendship...
Fate made them hostages. The media made them stars.
Guns have their uses, it's idiots with guns that make me nervous
The Fear Is Real. The Panic Is Spreading.
Они смертельно больны... Им нечего терять кроме своих жизней!
There is no escape from NIGHT OF THE ZOMBIES!
It's always darkest before dawn
South Africa's most wanted man
Бойня в северном Голливуде
On which side do you belong?
Delivers Shocks To The Maximum ... Pushes The Limits Of Acceptability