The criminal mastermind of the century just met his match...
"A firestorm of fiery action and scorching suspense!"
Where a fertile mind becomes insane.
Oil And Money Are An Explosive Mix
Jack take a vacation? Not on his life.
He was a hired professional. But this was personal.
Who knows the truth? Who can be trusted? Who can stop the countdown?
SKYJACK. KIDNAP. A time-bomb of suspense has started ticking. Two nations are being held for ransom and... Sean Connery is the agent who takes on The Terrorists
Deadly circumstances call for deadly heroes!
The fear is spreading.
10 тысяч метров над землёй... 10 секунд падения до земли
Restored to former glory, a nostalgic cruise ship repeats a tragic past...
No rules. No mercy. No escape.
The richest city in the world. Shut down. Ripped off. Blown up.