An army of forgotten heroes, all officially dead. They live for combat. Now they've met the wrong man.
Как стать плейбоем
У каждого есть своя цена...
A Web of Intrigue A Conspiracy of Terror An Act of Madness
Это их ночь, чтобы убить всё живое!
One Day She Met a Man Who Loved Beautiful Women...But Not All in One Piece
Banned in Nearly Every Country
Their credo is violence...Their God is hate...and they call themselves «The Wild Angels»
Hvis du tænder på: - stramt siddende uniformer - citron halvmåner med varmkaffe - blå blink og bah-buh lyde vil du slå gnister over KOPS
They're packed and ready for the greatest adventure of their lives. All they have to do is get out of the house
Scanners against scanners... The battle for total control has begun.
Show up, or grow up!
Sworn to Fun...Loyal to None!!!
Something hit us... The crew is dead... Help us, please, please help us!